Recent users of NØUK's JT65 EME page

The following users have been seen using this page during the past 30 minutes. Update time shown is when they last posted a message to the Ping Jockey Central page and is in GMT.
31 users recorded.
Last PostingLocatorCallsignkmsmilesBearing
22-Oct 20:12:11KO90phRW3QJA
22-Oct 20:11:49JO65dhOZ7UV
22-Oct 20:02:34RE66hqZL3JJ/4X13H/1K
22-Oct 20:02:14JO68vkSK6EI/4X21/700
22-Oct 20:00:55BL20bbNH6V/4X13H/240
22-Oct 19:52:24NO13vmUA9YJM/4X10H300
22-Oct 19:47:13JN97sgHA2NP
22-Oct 18:43:45KO86hpRK3FG/4X17/VH/K
22-Oct 10:17:03KP25axSM2BYC
22-Oct 09:35:59KP20lgOH4LA/4X17
22-Oct 07:15:09JO89ipSM5KWU
22-Oct 06:15:27DN31xbWA7HQD/2X12/200
21-Oct 19:22:29JO51weDL2HWA/4X17/1
21-Oct 15:58:56EM23dlKG5VK
20-Oct 23:43:38LO20qbUA4AQL
20-Oct 21:02:51JO52tcDJ9MG/4X8H/K
20-Oct 19:28:20JO21lsPA3DZL/4X10HV
20-Oct 19:16:38JO31afPA3FYC
20-Oct 15:15:40FN42irK1OR
20-Oct 13:34:22DM03llKG6NK/4X11HV/1K
20-Oct 13:17:10EN70iuK9MRI
20-Oct 11:26:29FN32qbK1FMS/4X9H/KW
20-Oct 00:29:27KO93bsUA3PTW
19-Oct 23:55:23JN88eaOE3NFC
18-Oct 12:19:29EN82hqN8SAN
17-Oct 17:17:44JO33iiPA0V/6X9ELE
16-Oct 19:12:44JN86fnS54AC/4X11RP/1
15-Oct 02:11:23DN06llK7KQA
24-Sep 21:26:18JO02rfG4SWX
24-Sep 21:11:50IO74ajGI6ATZ/2X9H/1K
1-Nov 20:45:52CN83iaW7TZ
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