
Updated at Wed Mar 12 05:27:56 CDT 2025

09Mar 00:02 cq 432065 q65 60b ====== {PY2BVF/1X25/KW Ben xx GG66tb }
08Mar 22:36 cq  q65 60b  432065 ====== {PY2BVF/1X25/KW Ben xx GG66tb }
08Mar 22:13 stop ====== {PY2BVF/1X25/KW Ben xx GG66tb }
08Mar 22:07 tx 432065 testing  echo ====== {PY2BVF/1X25/KW Ben xx GG66tb }
08Mar 19:42 listening 432065 q65 ====== {PY2BVF/1X25/KW Ben xx GG66tb }
08Mar 19:27 test ====== {PY2BVF Ben xx GG66ll }
06Mar 21:58 Test ====== {WA4MYO/4X9/350 Sonny SC EM94kx }
14Feb 02:04 ***** CQ 432.065 2nd Q65-60B 2nd DF1310 CFOM *****  ====== {WM5L/4X9H/KW Jim TX DM91rk }
09Feb 00:32 I have a low power SAT station (LEOPACK, CSN Controller and IC-9700) would love to hear som ====== {WA6RSV Pablo CA DM14bd }
04Feb 20:14 ---CQ 144132 JT65B 1st ====== {R6CS Sergey xx KN95bw }
17Jan 19:09 DL8GP Hans  - I'M AT HOME, lo51rh ====== {UN7MBV Andrey xx LO51rh }
13Jan 16:11 UN7MBV/7 Andrey    432Mc  look in ====== {DL8GP Hans xx JN39lh }
21Dec 00:34 TU ====== {KH0W/28ELE/500W Tom xx QK25uf }
18Dec 13:10 ~ Clear ~ 144.122 ~ CQ stopped ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/K Russ NJ FN20mb }
18Dec 12:54 ~ CQ 2nd ~ 144.122 ~   JT65B ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/K Russ NJ FN20mb }
13Dec 00:20 Stop CQ. TNX ====== {UN7MBV/7 Andrey xx LN66rj }
13Dec 00:00  CQ Q65B 432170  ====== {UN7MBV/7 Andrey xx LN66rj }
09Dec 09:22 OK ====== {KH0W/28ELE/500W Tom xx QK25uf }
07Dec 18:45 stop swl. GL ====== {UN7MBV/7 Andrey xx LN66rj }
07Dec 18:16 SWL 432065 Q65 ====== {UN7MBV/7 Andrey xx LN66rj }
07Dec 17:12 Hello everyone... I want to listen to someone on 432 via the moon. The antenna is weak for now. Please tell me the main frequencies, which ones are best for listening. ====== {UN7MBV/7 Andrey MN LN66rj }
17Nov 16:45 ---- STOP CQ .065 1st Q65B ----- ====== ====== {OE4WHG/23/1K Petrus xx JN87dc }
17Nov 16:40 ---- CQ CQ  432.065 1st Q65B ----- ====== ====== {OE4WHG/23/1K Petrus xx JN87dc }
17Nov 16:37 ---- CQ CQ .065 1st Q65B ----- ====== ====== {OE4WHG/23/1K Petrus xx JN87dc }
17Nov 16:34 ---- CQ CQ .065 1st JT65B ----- ====== ====== {OE4WHG/23/1K Petrus xx JN87dc }
16Nov 03:00 DF7DX still calling on 144.136, pse try again ====== {OK1DIX/8X28X/3K Ladislav MN JN79ht }
16Nov 02:45 DF7DX pse QRX ====== {OK1DIX/8X28X/3K Ladislav MN JN79ht }
16Nov 02:36 N5UTV, Hi David, pse sked 144.136 DIX 1st, TNX ====== {OK1DIX/8X28X/3K Ladislav MN JN79ht }
16Nov 02:35 IK4ICZ Hi, pse check 144.136 when you are free, TNX ====== {OK1DIX/8X28X/3K Ladislav MN JN79ht }
16Nov 00:11 ~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~ K5N working K5QE(SK) station CQ CQ 144.142 JT65B 2nd ~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~ ====== {K5N/8X18H/QRO Marshall TX EM31cj }
16Nov 00:06 ~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~ K5N working K5QE(SK) CQ CQ 144.142 JT65B 2nd ~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~ ====== {K5N/8X18H/QRO Marshall TX EM31cj }
16Nov 00:01 ~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~ K5N working K5QE(SK) CQ CQ 144.142 JT65B 2nd ~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~~Plus~ ====== {K5N/8X18H/QRO Marshall TX EM31cj }
15Nov 23:34 QRV 6m, 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, 23cm soon ====== {K5N/8X18H/QRO Marshall TX EM31cj }
15Nov 23:32 K5N will soon be QRV working K5QE(SK) station......waiting on moon GL everyone--Will ====== {K5N/8X18H/QRO Marshall TX EM31cj }
11Nov 09:56 listening to 432.070 ====== {JA2YKA Nagoya xx PM95ld }
27Oct 15:04 listening ====== {N2EK John NY FN21xw }
20Oct 04:03 any one here? ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
19Oct 06:19 Any big guns active for the moment? QRG? ====== {SM7SJR Bjorn xx JO87eb }
16Oct 05:44 . ====== {UT5IG Andy MN KN97cw }
15Sep 19:58  ***** CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz  -H-pol ====== {IW1FGY Franco xx JN35wm }
31Aug 00:47  Anybody want to try a MR EME QSO at 10:00 UTC (9 hours from now) on 432? i hve a kw and 20db gain just no elevation  ====== {WM5L/4X9H/KW Jim TX DM91rk }
22Aug 19:47 ***** CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM -H-pol - Moonrise max 20 min***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
22Aug 00:20 anybody for a moon rise QSO on 432? ====== {WM5L/4X9H/KW Jim TX DM91rk }
21Aug 19:10  ***** CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM -H-pol -Moonrise max 35min***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
20Aug 19:16 ***** CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM -H-pol -Moonrise max 30min***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
20Aug 18:55 ***** CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM -H-pol -Moonrise max 30min***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
20Aug 18:27 ***** CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM -H-pol -Moonrise max 30min***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
19Aug 21:40 CQ 144.120 JT65B ====== {EA5EX Juan xx IM98gg }
19Aug 21:38 cq 144.120 ea5ex im98gg ====== {EA5EX Juan xx IM98gg }
03Aug 13:25 cq .115 jt65b 1st ====== {RN3QO/14EL/600W Sergey xx KO75uu }
29Jul 11:15 cq 144.117  ====== {IV3RYX Andy xx JN65vp }
29Jul 11:08 cq 2 st 117 ====== {IV3RYX Andy xx JN65vp }
25Jul 21:09 ======= CQ 432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM -H-pol -Moonrise max 30min ======= ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
25Jul 14:18 ***** CQ EME today Moonrise  from 9:09 pm to 9:44 pm UTC -432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
25Jul 14:15 iz3atx***** CQ today from 9:09 pm to 9:44 pm UTC -432.070 2st Q65 60b 1500 Hz CFOM***** ====== {IZ3ATX Francesco xx JN55wk }
17Jul 18:32 ***** CQ 144.120 2nd CQ EME 144.120 2nd 2x10el 350w lna JN65DM ***** ====== {IU3OAR Gianluca xx JN65dm }
17Jul 12:08 Hi. QRV tonight for EME 2mt SKED 16:00z-20:00z 2x10el 300w lna. 73 all de IU3OAR JN65DM ====== {IU3OAR Gianluca xx JN65dm }
16Jul 10:55 QRV tomorrow 17/7 16:00z-20:00z for 2mt sked EME 2x10el 300w lna. 73 all de IU3OAR JN65DM ====== {IU3OAR Gianluca xx JN65dm }
14Jul 15:00 432.070 QRV ====== {OK2AB/4X8LFAH/1 Rosta xx JN89ti }
14Jul 14:53 i would like to test my 50W and 2x20el TNX ====== {OK2AB/4X8LFAH/1 Rosta xx JN89ti }
12Jul 09:44 test ====== {HB9AHD/4X11XV/K Hans xx JN47im }
12Jul 09:35 test ====== {HB9AHD/4X11XV/K Hans xx JN47im }
08Jul 11:21 QRT . tnx All 73 &GL ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70ll }
08Jul 11:20 S52LM ciaosto collaudando Map 65 , sono in test, ti ho decodificato ma ho ancora prob  emi a vedere la tua traccia. Riprover   dopo Grazie !! ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70ll }
08Jul 11:10 GM All . CQ .118 1st H/V any rpt welcome .TNX ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70ll }
29May 10:13 .. ====== {K8DIO/2X17H/K Lloyd OH EN91gh }
21May 20:59 HI ====== {IT9XDJ Sergio xx JM77nn }
10May 07:39 BG8IXQ CQ 432.065 QB65B ====== {BG8IXQ Wanxing xx OL39go }
09May 11:31 . ====== {VA3IKE Ike ON EN82qb }
08May 10:49 kc8yjj Gary any action ====== {VA3IKE Ike ON EN82qb }
24Mar 18:42 buonasera a tutti voi ====== {IK0RMR Ivo MN JN61is }
18Mar 18:56 GE ====== {F5VKQ Pit MN JN39qc }
03Mar 06:05 . ====== {KC8YJJ Gary OH EN90pl }
11Feb 16:35 KK4MA Mike tnx for (init) QSO; best -21 , have a nice sunday vy73 ====== {DL1BEC/4X9H/KW Achim xx JO33sc }
05Feb 14:03 CQ 432.078 Q-65 FIRST ====== {AG7CM Charles AZ DM25ti }
26Jan 23:49 ***** CQ 432.123 2nd Q65-60B 1250Hz *****  ====== {PJ4MM/4X13 Martin xx FK52ve }
23Dec 14:30 Hi all pse test rx 1296.100 1x36 +lna ====== {IT9BDM Carmelo MN JM77ne }
11Dec 21:37 ni6e ====== {NI6E Peter CA DM13bp }
27Nov 18:34 STOP cq 432.78 ====== {IW1FGY Franco xx JN35wm }
27Nov 18:25 CQ 432.078 Q65-30 1st  2x18H ====== {IW1FGY Franco xx JN35wm }
24Nov 20:08 n9xg looking at 432.078 ====== {WA3DRC/1X12H/KW Ed MD FM28as }
23Nov 19:50 test ====== {G4BWP/4X14 Fred xx JO02fh }
23Nov 05:42 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
22Nov 03:29 AE6EQ Bill, loke = like ====== {KK4MA/4X9XP/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
22Nov 03:28 AE6EQ Bill, loke .040 to .075, or what? ====== {KK4MA/4X9XP/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
22Nov 03:27 AE6EQ Bill, asking for a friend.  What is the normal range of operating frequencies for 70cm EME? ====== {KK4MA/4X9XP/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
28Oct 03:00 trying jt65 ====== {AE6EQ Bill CA CM95oh }
28Oct 01:55 cq 432.065 Q65-30a 1st AE6EQ ====== {AE6EQ Bill CA CM95oh }
16Oct 18:55 test ====== {AA7A Ned AZ DM43ao }
16Oct 18:54 test ====== {AA7A Ned AZ DM43ao }
06Oct 23:43 . ====== {N1AV/4X20XP/1K Jay AZ DM43ll }
03Oct 09:29 time test. ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
10Sep 07:21 Stop CQ 131 looking 432 ====== {KD2LGX/2X10HV/K Larry NY FN13ig }
10Sep 07:07 cq cq 131 2nd JT65bVHF contest ====== {KD2LGX/2X10HV/K Larry NY FN13ig }
31Aug 12:29 Listening 144.120 JT65 ====== {VK6JX John xx OF77vq }
31Aug 12:27 Same request. Any big guns to test new station ? 2 x 10 el XPOL + LNAs tracking moon. Thanks, John ====== {VK6JX John xx OF77vq }
29Aug 08:12 Any big guns to test (newbie)? {VK4PNS Pooyan QG62} ====== {VK4PNS Pooyan xx QG62ll }
02Aug 02:06 My moon rise @0254 in Tucson, AZ. ====== {NJ6D Chuck AZ DM42lh }
02Aug 01:28 QRV 144 100W 2x10, 430 75W 8el, 1296 35 el 10W all AZ/EL  ====== {W6BVB Vlad CA DM13do }
02Aug 00:55 Anyone willing to try in about 2hrs at my moonrise - 33el @40ft 100w.  In anyeven I will listen and see what I can hear. ====== {NJ6D Chuck AZ DM42lh }
30Jul 18:41 CQ 432.065 JT65C 1st ====== {DK5DV Gerd MN JO30xs }
03Jul 20:14 qrv  ea7ki 432 065  jt65a ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
30Jun 14:17 BG8IXQ CQ 432.065 QB65B ====== {BG8IXQ Wanxing xx OL39go }
29Jun 03:44 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
28Jun 03:25 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
22Jun 14:10 CQ 432.066 1st cfom 1500hz q65b  ====== {UR3VKC/7MDISH Artem xx KN68np }
19Jun 16:33 QRV 432.060 ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
19Jun 16:32 QRV ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
16Jun 15:20  ***** CQ 432.060 1st cfom 1500hz q65b ***** ====== {UR3VKC/7MDISH Artem xx KN68np }
15Jun 05:52 ***** CQ 432.060 1st cfom 1500hz q65b ***** ====== {UR3VKC/7MDISH Artem xx KN68np }
31May 16:41 cq ea7ki 432 080  jt65 B ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
30May 19:57 RX RX 432.080  JT65 B  DAY  30/05 A 1/06 ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
04May 19:25 test 121 1st ====== {LA3EQ Jan xx JO28xj }
02May 23:20 STOP CQ 432.080 ====== {IW1FGY Franco xx JN35wm }
02May 23:01 CQ 432.080 1   time  2X18H 500W ====== {IW1FGY Franco xx JN35wm }
02May 22:59 cq 432.080   2x18 500w ====== {IW1FGY Franco xx JN35wm }
24Apr 20:59 STOP CQ JT65B 432.080 ====== {IZ5NRF Francesco xx JN53mu }
24Apr 20:48 CQ JT65B 432.080 2X21 100W ====== {IZ5NRF Francesco xx JN53mu }
22Apr 17:44 CQ 432.68 Q65-60B 2-ST ====== {EA5CJ Jacinto xx IM99pl }
02Mar 04:06 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
21Feb 18:10 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
17Feb 17:39 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
08Feb 12:18 Please wait 1 hour at least to clear the mountain,  ====== {JD1YCC Team xx QL17cb }
07Feb 23:17 Waiting JD1YCC 432.... ====== {KU4XO/4X21H/KW Matt SC EM84vt }
07Feb 23:11 Test ====== {KU4XO/4X21H/KW Matt SC EM84vt }
06Feb 20:17 EA7KI QRV 432.065 JT65B ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
06Feb 20:05 ea7ki QRV ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
05Feb 21:24 cq ea7ki 432 065  Q65-60B ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
04Feb 22:58 cq ea7ki 432 065  jt65a ====== {EA7KI David MA IM76rr }
04Feb 18:45   EA5CJ Ge I see you on 432071  B-25, GL ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/KW Bela xx KN16ss }
02Feb 12:27 Testing EME RX Setup and listening on 434.050 JT65A  ====== {VU3TYG Nitin xx MK83sd }
01Feb 19:03 K1PTF  QRV ? ====== {PA0V/6X9XP Nanko xx JO33ii }
01Feb 02:17 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
21Jan 14:05 im lurking from west Texas anyone running a big station on 2m?  ====== {WM5L Jim TX DM91rk }
15Jan 17:55 Anyone for my moon set? ====== {KE7NR Don AZ DM33wm }
15Jan 17:55 . ====== {KE7NR Don AZ DM33wm }
11Jan 05:37 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 1500 CFOM 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
08Jan 15:17 . ====== {KE7NR Don AZ DM33wm }
07Jan 17:23   CQ 432081 Q65B  ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/KW Bela xx KN16ss }
07Jan 16:47 432.078 1nd ====== {IU0GCR Antonio xx JN61gw }
04Jan 22:43 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
04Jan 02:47 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
02Jan 19:46   DL7APV, mni tnx for UFB QSO, ur B-12, HNY ! ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/KW Bela xx KN16ss }
02Jan 19:21   CQ 432068 Q65B 2ND   ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/KW Bela xx KN16ss }
27Dec 19:41 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
11Dec 06:59 cq 432.065 jt65b 1st ====== {NH6Y Tom HI BL10ts }
10Dec 16:09 anyone up on 432?? ====== {NH6Y Tom HI BL10ts }
10Dec 06:43 I'll be back for my moonset, about 1600 UTC ====== {NH6Y Tom HI BL10ts }
10Dec 06:14 anybody up on 432?? ====== {NH6Y Tom HI BL10ts }
10Dec 00:30 any one still here? ====== {KC3ELT Jamie PA FN20hm }
09Dec 00:43 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
05Dec 20:55 Hi Bill Try go to EME-1 page. More activity there. ====== {SM5CUI/60H/40V Rune xx JO89ww }
05Dec 20:47 1st time newbie here ====== {WF1L Bill DE FM29fc }
05Dec 16:37 g4tra steve yes but I don't see you ====== {UA3MRE/4X13 Alexey MN KO97sv }
28Nov 14:30 HELLO BASIL...QRG.. ====== {YO7DIG Stan MN KN24cw }
15Nov 22:23 i call on 144.120 ====== {DJ1VK Volker MN JO40bn }
15Nov 21:50 hello back ====== {DJ1VK Volker MN JO40bn }
14Nov 05:36 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
13Nov 20:13 CQ ARRL contest 432.081 Q65-60B CFOM ====== {VK2CMP Mick xx QF56ne }
13Nov 15:21 CQ 432.084 Q65-60B CFOM ====== {VK2CMP Mick xx QF56ne }
13Nov 04:13 test ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/1 Russ NJ FN20mb }
13Nov 03:49 test ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/1 Russ NJ FN20mb }
13Nov 03:48 ~ CQ 2nd ~ 144.122 ~   JT65B ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/1 Russ NJ FN20mb }
12Nov 00:56 test message ====== {K1DS Rick FL EL96ll }
09Nov 23:35 anyone doing jt65b   ====== {K2CKA/17EL1KW Dave va FM06qn }
08Nov 01:18 VK2CMP I think this was you: 0116 -26  1.4 1455 #  RO ====== {NK0S/SWLING Hutch NC FM14cg }
07Nov 03:43 listening 2m 432, 10ghz ====== {N5UTV/1X10V/FCD David OK EM26ad }
29Oct 08:32 bg2qax ====== {BG2QAX Gang xx PN11mw }
27Oct 09:56 Anyone for 23cm  ====== {DH1MJ Manuel MN JO31ta }
16Oct 23:16 CQ 432.064 Q65B. Tx 1st ====== {VK2CMP Mick xx QF56ne }
16Oct 13:45 CQ 222.076  first  JT65B ====== {WA4NJP Ray GA EM84dg }
16Oct 07:21 CQ.   STOP  ====== {KE6ILX/4 Jeff CA CM99ek }
16Oct 06:30 cq 432.065 jt65b 1st ====== {AE6EQ Bill CA CM95oh }
14Oct 14:32 hi all, check out ====== {OK1TEH Matej xx JO70fd }
05Oct 18:29  STOP CQ   ====== {IZ5NRF Francesco xx JN53mu }
05Oct 18:08 CQ JT65B 432.080 ====== {IZ5NRF Francesco xx JN53mu }
03Oct 01:27 CQ 432.065 JT65B 2nd ====== {N5UTC Jack TX EL29dx }
03Oct 01:23 CQ 432.065 JT65B 1st ====== {N5UTC Jack TX EL29dx }
02Oct 22:08 setup infield listening ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ll }
29Sep 16:41 cq 432.065 jt65b 1st ====== {IU0GCR Antonio xx JN61gw }
27Sep 22:16 stop cq for now ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
27Sep 22:05 CQ 432.065 JT65b calling 1st ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
26Sep 13:54 CQ 432.075 JT65B ====== {IU0GCR Antonio xx JN61gw }
25Sep 12:20 Stop cq ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
25Sep 12:11 432.065 ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
25Sep 12:11 CQ 431.065 JT65B 2nd ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
25Sep 08:59 CQ 432.075 Q65-60B 4x22H300 ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
25Sep 07:25 cq 432.075 jt65b ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 14:01 stop cq bye ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 13:19 CQ 432.075 JT65B ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 11:11 CQ 432.083 jt65b  ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 11:06 DK3WG TNX QSO B-20 ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 09:51 CQ 432.065 JT65B ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 08:45 CQ 432.063  ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
24Sep 07:39 QRV ARI 70cm ====== {HG5BMU/4X22H Csaba xx JN97nq }
18Sep 12:15 rr Steve tnx for try 73 we make it next time ====== {DL7APV/16X6XPOL Bernd xx JO62jr }
18Sep 12:14 I have to replace the LNA will catch you another time 73 ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
18Sep 12:13 one last TX then I have to help xyl ====== {DL7APV/16X6XPOL Bernd xx JO62jr }
18Sep 12:10 ok running ====== {DL7APV/16X6XPOL Bernd xx JO62jr }
18Sep 12:09 I may have a LNA issue try again please ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
18Sep 12:08 any copy ? you are -11 here !!! Running 128x11 &KW ====== {DL7APV/16X6XPOL Bernd xx JO62jr }
18Sep 12:03 calling ====== {DL7APV/16X6XPOL Bernd xx JO62jr }
18Sep 11:49 Tnx Bernd GL ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
18Sep 11:48 KA9OKH see -13 here but no TX yet, try to be in 30 ninutes ====== {DL7APV/16X6XPOL Bernd xx JO62jr }
18Sep 11:45 CQ CQ 432.065 calling 2nd ====== {KA9OKH/2X20XP/K Steve IN EM67fx }
13Sep 19:38 3 1755 ====== {HB9DNZ Erhard MN JN37wi }
13Sep 19:38 175500  0  -14  9.0  299  3 175500  0  -14  9.0  299  3 175500  0  -14  9.0  299  3 175500  0  -14  9.0  299  3 175500  0  -14  9.0  299  3 175500  0  -14  9.0  299  3 175500  0  -14  9.0  299   ====== {HB9DNZ Erhard MN JN37wi }
10Sep 23:45 TEST ====== {N3NGE Len PA FN20bd }
08Sep 01:19 TEST ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
03Sep 20:08 200500  4  -28      -422  3   RO ====== {DDL8GAP/2X16EL Peter xx JN48ei }
20Aug 07:48 gm, qrv ====== {CT8/W6PQL Jim xx HM58rn }
15Aug 04:57 ===== cq 144.125 stopped == Looking around ==== ====== {W8KEN/2X24XP/1K Ken OH EN91im }
15Aug 04:40 ===== CQ 144.125 ===== ====== {W8KEN/2X24XP/1K Ken OH EN91im }
15Aug 04:38 Test ====== {W8KEN/2X24XP/1K Ken OH EN91im }
12Aug 01:07 anyone want to do 2m or 432 eme. moonrise in a few minutes ====== {KF9L/1X17B2/300 Dean IL EM58lq }
05Aug 00:38 sigh . so few on 70cm ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
04Aug 21:33 sitting in field with 70cm beam pointed at moon less noise here. ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
02Aug 21:05 hi ====== {R9LR Vladimir MN MO27qf }
02Aug 10:27 144.120 listing ====== {BH4FUO Lei MN PM02hm }
18Jul 09:39 any one use 432 here? ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
15Jul 02:54 anybody on 2m tonight? ====== {WM5L Jim TX DM91rk }
14Jul 00:55 anybody on 2m tonight ====== {WM5L Jim TX DM91rk }
04Jul 14:34 4X24H  250 W  ====== {UA1OEJ/14H/KW Victor xx KP94vn }
04Jul 14:33 CQ  1296.074   1ST  JT65C ====== {UA1OEJ/14H/KW Victor xx KP94vn }
02Jul 01:46 N9XG CQ 2nd Q65-60B 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
01Jul 17:40 listening 432.065 on my new M2 432-18 ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
01Jul 00:38 listening 432.065 on my new M2 432-18 ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ad }
26Jun 16:58 listening 432.065 ====== {N5UTV/2XH/RCV David OK EM26ab }
25Jun 07:05 moon will be up here soon   try out my  ss amp ====== {K2CKA/17EL1KW Dave va FM06qn }
24Jun 01:56 ON7EQ Jean..many tks for qso B-23...will send message and screen shot best 73 ====== {VK3AXH/4X18/5WL Ian xx QF12wi }
24Jun 01:46 0145 -24  2.8 1181 #* CQ ON7EQ JO21  ====== {VK3AXH/4X18/5WL Ian xx QF12wi }
24Jun 01:44 trace -28 no decode please continue ====== {VK3AXH/4X18/5WL Ian xx QF12wi }
24Jun 01:37 ==== CQ 144.129 1st JT65B ====== {VK3AXH/4X18/5WL Ian xx QF12wi }
24Jun 01:26 ON7EQ Jean I will tx 1st periode JY65B 144.129 at 01:30 ====== {VK3AXH/4X18/5WL Ian xx QF12wi }
04Jun 22:58 cq cq 144.123 2nd jt65b  ====== {G8SEI Jeff xx IO92fo }
04Jun 21:49 listening 432.090 ====== {N5UTV/2XH/RCV David OK EM26ab }
04Jun 21:32 listening 144.132 ====== {N5UTV/2XH/RCV David OK EM26ab }
16May 20:23 STOP CQ  GN all ====== {IK1EQE Fabrizio xx JN44et }
16May 19:58  CQ CQ  144.121  2-nd JT65B  ====== {IK1EQE Fabrizio xx JN44et }
16May 02:39 Any 70cm to test with ====== {VP8EME Kuzma xx GD08me }
16May 02:37 GE all  ====== {VP8EME Kuzma xx GD08me }
16May 02:36 test ====== {VP8EME Kuzma xx GD08me }
13May 03:06 well bummer kk4ma never seen anyone on middle of day.  ====== {N5UTV/2X10H/RCV Dave OK EM26ab }
12May 21:01 ~ Clear ~ 144.126 ~ ====== {KK4MA/1X18H/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
12May 21:01 ~ Clear ~ 144.126 ~ ====== {KK4MA/1X18H/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
12May 21:01 ~ Clear ~ 144.126 ~ ====== {KK4MA/1X18H/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
12May 21:00 N5UTV David, 432.065, 1500 Hz, 2nd ====== {KK4MA/1X18H/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
12May 20:59 N5UTV David, I am calling you on 432.065 ====== {KK4MA/1X18H/KW Mike SC EM93ur }
12May 04:44 listening 432.065  and 144,121 ====== {N5UTV/2X10EL/IC David OK EM26ab }
12May 04:38 listening 432.065 ====== {N5UTV/2X10EL/IC David OK EM26ab }
12May 00:52 QRT. 73 ====== {KE6ILX Jeff CA CM99ek }
12May 00:48 QRT. 73 ====== {KE6ILX Jeff CA CM99ek }
01May 20:53 RR, tnx for the test.  You can get your password reset on HB9Q by email.  FYI.  Most activity there, as you know.  Try again soon.  73 ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:51 OK Steve tnx for the try 73 for now ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
01May 20:49 RR, nil here either.  Maybe closer to perigee would help. ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:46 OK Steve nil here ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
01May 20:39 Decent echos...any copy there? ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:37 1167 miles...we could probably do meteor scatter in a good shower. ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:36 Yes have been good on 432,174 and 432.085 with Jurg ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
01May 20:33 Yea, he has bigger ears than i do. ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:31 I have work several stations, Jurg was strong this morning ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
01May 20:31 Are you frequency-accurate ? ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:25 That is possible.  I will change pol every couple overs. ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:23 2 13 Wavelenght M2 100 watts ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
01May 20:21 OK running ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
01May 20:21 What is your 432 setup ? ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:18 W8PAT John, RR, how about 432.065 Q65-60B I will be second and TX @1500 hz.? ====== {K5DOG Steve TX EM00wh }
01May 20:16 Steve I'm here ====== {W8PAT John OH EN81vg }
23Apr 12:29 HL2/F4AAR QRV today from Korea ====== {HL2/F4AAR Laurent xx PM37ko }
13Apr 03:50 any 432 tonight ====== {N5UTV/2X10H/RCV David OK EM26ab }
11Apr 23:20 No decode yet ====== {KE6ILX Jeff CA CM99ek }
11Apr 22:39 1 ====== {KE6ILX/4 Jeff CA CM99ek }
09Apr 02:11 432.072 rx-ing ====== {N5UTV/2X10H/RCV David OK EM26ab }
07Apr 18:32 test ====== {TESTTESTTEST Lossa xx JO41wm }
02Apr 18:30 anyone here on 70cm ====== {N5UTV/2X10H/RCV David OK EM26ab }
29Mar 20:58 N9XG CQ 2nd JT65b 432.078 ====== {N9XG Ian IN EN60vl }
20Mar 12:03 jt65 c mode? ====== {K2CKA/17EL1KW Dave va FM06qn }
20Mar 12:03 could  be ====== {K2CKA/17EL1KW Dave va FM06qn }
19Mar 00:36 Anyone on 1296 currently? ====== {K2UA Rus NY FN12fr }
12Mar 01:52 test ====== {VE3MIS Club ON FN03eq }
08Feb 17:40 NC1I UR -17 on 432082 ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/1K Bela xx KN16ss }
05Feb 00:02 LISTENING 432.081 JT65A ====== {N5UTV/1X10H/SDR David OK EM26ab }
02Feb 22:49 any 70cm these days? ====== {N5UTV/SDR/1X7H David OK EM26ab }
29Jan 16:29 listening 144.131 jt65 ====== {N5UTV David OK EM26ab }
25Jan 14:04 Sorry, wrong group.  ====== {N0AN/6M/LFA5 Hasan IA EN22xc }
25Jan 14:03 CQ 1st 275 30A 1800 Hz EAST/SouthEast ====== {N0AN/6M/LFA5 Hasan IA EN22xc }
25Jan 14:02 135430   3  0.1 1497 :  N0AN N4SIX 73      q3: tnX Chris ====== {N0AN/6M/LFA5 Hasan IA EN22xc }
24Jan 17:11 CQ 432.081 2nd CQ de KEOHQO ====== {KE0HQO Jeremy CO DM69el }
24Jan 07:03 432.081 2ND DE KE0HQO ====== {KE0HQO Jeremy CO DM69el }
23Jan 05:54 any Xmitting on right now? listening in Tulsa,ok  USA ====== {N5UTV Davidviaeme OK EM26ab }
22Jan 13:53 Can anyone help me reinstal PJ Client? ====== {AB2VI Ed NJ FM29ll }
22Jan 03:03 anyone sending  jt65 or Q65 EME ====== {KF9L Dean IL EM58lq }
16Jan 12:00 * * CQ TEST 144.150 1st (EAST) de W9RM DM58 * * ====== {W9RM Jay CO DM58xn }
11Jan 23:42 Hi pse test eme HB9Q ====== {IT9BDM Carmelo xx JM77ne }
08Jan 22:14 Congrats Marshall!! ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
08Jan 19:40 Marshall - James says he is set up and ready ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
08Jan 19:32 RR....lurking..... ====== {K5QE/222 Marshall TX EM31cj }
08Jan 19:26 I haven't seen anything from him saying he had fired up, just that he was setting up ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
08Jan 19:26 OK Marshall. I am watching HB9Q and here also ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
08Jan 19:23 Joel....pse watch HB9Q, because James cannot.... ====== {K5QE/222 Marshall TX EM31cj }
08Jan 19:16 QSL Marshall. I am monitoring here, HB9Q and 222.065. GL OM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
08Jan 19:00 The birie is there only on -30....on V-pol, no birdie at all..... ====== {K5QE/222 Marshall TX EM31cj }
08Jan 18:47 Sorry....that QRG is 222.065......still got the birdie..... ====== {K5QE/222 Marshall TX EM31cj }
08Jan 18:46 I am officially lurking on 222.076 second.......I have already found a lovely birdie..... ====== {K5QE/222 Marshall TX EM31cj }
06Jan 12:56 VE1SKY Sky I am here ====== {NE1B/1X6/KW Bill NH FN42ht }
02Jan 15:50 :) (: ====== {W7MEM Mark ID DN17mr }
30Dec 10:05 oe5top stop cq ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
30Dec 09:41 oe5top cq 144.116 1first ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
30Dec 09:34 oe5top stop cq 1 first ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
30Dec 09:21 oe5top cq jt65b 144.116 2nd ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
30Dec 08:50 oe5top stop cq ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
30Dec 08:42 oe5top cq 144.120 2nd jt65b ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
30Dec 08:42 oe5top cq 144.120 2nd jt65b ====== {OE5TOP Alfred MN JN68xc }
22Dec 04:54 Salut Bela, esti si in 432? ====== {KG6NK Costi CA DM03ll }
20Dec 21:11 ===== CQ 144,116 First ==== ====== {DL8JJ Emil MN JO40ia }
20Dec 21:04 test ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
16Dec 14:40 test ====== {GM0PJD Paul xx IO85ep }
15Dec 02:04 Marshall are you still there??? ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
14Dec 23:14 Is there anyone here that could give me a test signal on 222 this evening?? ====== {K5QE/HOME Marshall TX EM31cj }
13Dec 22:06 Is anyone from the 222 group here for a test? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
13Dec 19:11 now on FSK441 ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/1K Bela xx KN16ss }
13Dec 19:09 GE CQ 1ST 432365 MSK144 ====== {YO5TP/4X12H/1K Bela xx KN16ss }
13Dec 11:11 LZ2FO,zdra Ceco,kak si? ====== {LZ1DX16X15 Ned xx KN22tk }
13Dec 00:11 qrt ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:49 hang on calling you at the shack ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:48 I am going out to look at ant again....see if it is pointed right.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:47 Do you need to leave now??  If so, just start tearing down ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:45 Marshall, getting dark.. I can leave the stn in the truck but won't be till after Christmas ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:44 I feel certain now that I blew it when I was testing the Harris amp ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:40 test pse ignore ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 23:38 W6TCP, TU Ian! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:31 I know ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:29 The thing that will break is me..... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:29 Marshall, Don'trush it.. it's taken this long, no reason to break something ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:27 Peter knows how crippled up I am.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:21 K5QE if you can't work tonight either James or I will deliver Oregon :-) ====== {KA6U/2/2X10HV/K Peter FL EL87sq }
12Dec 23:18 2315 -26  2.7 1889 #* CQ W6TCP CM97 .075 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:18 No,no tower climbing ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:17 K5QE Marshall please don't climb any towers :-) ====== {KA6U/2/2X10HV/K Peter FL EL87sq }
12Dec 23:16 James....if you have to go , I can try to do it myself....but it will be hard for me.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:14 you have to go??   ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:14 My tower guy will come here in about an hour...will replace preamp.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 23:04 will hang for a bit ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:03 He should be back here shortly ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 23:02 and special maybe :-) ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 23:02 James - Marshall has an RX issue and working to resolve it but it may be an hour or so. What is your schedule??? ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 23:02 And little or no noise ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 23:02 sitting in a field gives me db  ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 23:02 OK back on the moon. had the array turned toward marshall helping him trouble shoot his RX ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 23:01 nothing seen yet Marshall ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 23:01 But Wyatt is SPECIAL !!!!   :-)))) ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:59 preamps are over rated :-) ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 22:59 And Wyatt doesn't have a preamp! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:53 FCS Marshall - just take the preamp out of line - guys with ONE antenna are working him ====== {W9RM/2/222/432/ Jay CO DM58xn }
12Dec 22:52 standing by ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:51 K5QE Marshall calling you now direct heading to you. Calling you first seq ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:51 K5QE  Marshall calling your way ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:51 409-787-3831 ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:49 Marshall what is the shack phone # there?? ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:49 Everyone heard me before, so TX is working.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:48 Joel...that would be great....just try .065.5 ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:48 Murphy strikes again, Marshall ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:47 K5QE Marshall if he has gone I can shoot a sig your way ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:47 OK, who's next?  ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:47 OK ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:46 W5EME can you send me a test signal via tropo so I can't miss it??\ ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:46 Thanks James. FB. What a signal!! ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:46 K1WHS, Logged Dave! Thanks so much, I needyour state, I'll send another card. Thanks again ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:46 My preamp must be blown....looking for a spare.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:45 K5QE Marshall - is it an RX issue or TX and RX??? Can you xmit??? ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:45 OK 400  watts sending 73 ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:45 Congrats to all. I had to move focus away from the chat after working James. I was running the station remote ====== {K1OR John NH FN42ir }
12Dec 22:43 -12 here ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:42 73 all. I have KP duty and the ribs are nearly done. Agn TU James. The card is in the mail. ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:42 K1WHS - Jacques stop showing out with that big ass signal !!!!   :-))) ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:42 K1WHS -16  ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:42 It's the Margaritas ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:42 K1WHS up ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:41 Holy Crap Dave -12!!! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:40 I'll call now I am up slightly from James ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:38 W7MEM, Mark in the log!! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:38 Wow great event this afternoon, well done everyone! ====== {KA6U/2X10HV/K Peter FL EL87sq }
12Dec 22:37 I can see you.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:35 Maybe I can call after W7MEM? ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:34 That makes me happy ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:33 rr dave working good ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 22:33 WYATT still using the 22 el job? ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:32 Good evening Mark ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:32 W7MEM up ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:32 AC0RA logged!! Tnx Wyatt!! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:30 Thanks a ton James.  ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 22:30 -11..myword ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:30 NO, he is -100.....AAAAaaaaRG!!  Gooing out to look at ant agan... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:29 thats the problem of the transverter starting out at 30f and warming up ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 22:29 Gads, James is -11!! ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:29 James yer sig comming way up now. Must be a lobe in the array working for you. Now -22 ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:29 thats me  ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 22:29 I think you see AC0RA, Joel ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:26 AC0RA next ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:26 Someone is calling down low that has a trace that is drifting really bad. Probably won't decode. I know it is a caller because if disappears on first sequence ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:26 Thanks James #35 ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:25 W5EME, YAHOO Rick!!! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:25 TU guys ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:23 congrats too all you guys ====== {AC0RA Wyatt IA EN42hb }
12Dec 22:23 James, you are edging up on speaker quality here now.  Very good sigs now! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:22 CONGRATS BIG GUN Dave HF !! ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:21 We coulnt do any of this without rovers!!! ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:21 got er done Dave, Thanks SO much forall your help!! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:21 tu Charlie. A glass of wine uis in order ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:19 COngrats Dave!!!! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:19 HECK YA Dave!!!!! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:19 James TU for number 48!! ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:16 James in there at -20 here ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:16 I see three other traces. No decodes but see the traces ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:16 Dave you up! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:15 now -24 ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:14 There is quite a line for James! ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:14 trace no decode on the last.. keep going boys ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:13 ok ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:13 -26 ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:13 I see you James ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
12Dec 22:12 Charlie logged! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:12 N9HF Dave - go get him!!!! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:12 2208 -22  2.7 1614 ## N0AKC K7KQA DN05 OOO       ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:11 I can't see anyone....I don't think ant is pointed right....I have made 5 trips out there so far... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 22:11 K7KQA James - Thanks for state #45!  You've given me my last two new ones! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:11 CONGRATS Charlie !!!!! ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:10 two years in the making.. now where's Marshall? ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:10 good times ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:09 K7KQA is -15 here. Just got back listening ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 22:09 James is -20 here now calling another station ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:08 Charlie's turn ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:08 Thanks Charlie ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:06 someonen sending RRR, callme ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:06 Congrats Joel!!! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:06 If they ever let us come back in to the lab !!! ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:05 Yahoo Joel!!! YES!  ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 22:05 finally got a decode on ya James ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 22:05 THANKS James !!! Beer in on  me next time I'm out at lab ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 22:01 You keep getting stronger here James.  -24 thaqt time ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 22:00 keep going guys, lots of trace no decode ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:58 I see two callers, things are looking good ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:57 2156 -27  2.6 1659 #* CQ K7KQA DN05    ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:57 2156 -25  2.6 1625 #* CQ K7KQA DN05    ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:56 K1OR  3 decodes  -22 was best ====== {K7ND Jim WA CN87qf }
12Dec 21:56 Thanks James #49 215000  3  -23  2.1  301  3 #      K1OR K7KQA DN05     OOO ====== {K1OR John NH FN42ir }
12Dec 21:56 Saw that James. very nice ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:56 James you are getting stronger here ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:54 I could not be happier to annouce K1OR John is logged from OR :) :)  ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:53 -26 that time James ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:51 James, I see you, but only the one decode so far.  You may want to try switching polarity  ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:47 Have you James ====== {K1OR John NH FN42ir }
12Dec 21:46 dang, no decode but building ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:45 finally found you James! ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:45 2144 -30  2.7 1636 #* CQ K7KQA DN05  ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:43 trace ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:42 overcast ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:41 James can you see the moon or is it still overcast there?? ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:39 going to check aim, MEM sees 3 callers H ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:37 pol ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:36 QSL James tnx ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:35 nothing seen here yet ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:34 1270 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:33 K7KQA James what is your TX df ?? ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:32 OK, now I see N9HF - no sign of James here ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:31 I am not TX yet...still in the treesl ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:31 Well good luck Joel!! Looks gud here ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 21:30 I see W5ZN; nobody else ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:29 K1WHS - Jacques I'm running Margarita power today !!!  :-))) ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:26 plz call. 2nd seq .065 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:26 W5ZN is loud too.  ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 21:25 Do you want us all to call you and you can pick out the best one?? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:25 N9HF You are -11 in between the 10M QRM ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 21:24 rrr ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:23 yes RPOL ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:23 will start sending next seq ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:22 James can you change pol?? ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:20 I just wanted to see what the doppler was going to be ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:18 Powerline of interstate 82if your wanting to look on google maps ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:18 DN05 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:18 Marshall, I believe he's in DN05 ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:17 Hi James ====== {N0AKC/4X18H/1KW Charlie WI EN44gu }
12Dec 21:17 James....what is your grid where you are in OR? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:16 .7 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 21:12 what? ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:11 I am going out to check the can't be too bad since everyone seems to hear me OK... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:04 we will now John. TU ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:03 N7GP Tom...Dunno havent spoke with him for a while figured you guys would connect ====== {K1OR John NH FN42ir }
12Dec 21:03 I will stop seq and wait on James..... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:02 never saw ur H pol signal ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:02 Now if I can just be -15 in OR.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:02 Marshall -18 here nice sig ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 21:02 K5QE ur -20 here ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:02 That was V-pol...earlier seq were H ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 21:00 Marshall at -15 ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 21:00 K1OR Hello John. Any idea when that guy might activate NM agn? What was his call? ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 21:00 Anyone hear me through the trees??  All looks FB here on 222 ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:59 I am very well for the moment, Marshall! ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 20:59 I see someone  ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 20:58 Hello you are?? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:57 Hi Marshall -  ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 20:57 -4.1 to MR ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 20:56 Testing for a couple of seq....moon still behind trees ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:56 Hi John....are you needing OR as well?? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:56 Hi Marshall yes I am ====== {K1OR John NH FN42ir }
12Dec 20:55 Hi John....are you needing OR as well?? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:54 I have a horrible birdie at about 1133, but above that it looks OK ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:54 Good Afternoon Gents ====== {K1OR John NH FN42ir }
12Dec 20:54 I too, hope we all work James today! ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 20:54 Marshall. I should be available next weekend ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 20:52 HF-Dave and Joel....I sure need to get you guys next weekend in the EME contest.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:49 Good luck to everyone on 222 I am in listen mode. ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
12Dec 20:49 Hello to all 222 crazies.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Dec 20:43 Hello Joel ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 20:41 Greetings Dave ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 20:39 good afternoon all ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 20:37 rr sounds good Joel, looks like 40-45min to MR ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 20:33 QSL sounds good. I'm am here and ready for when you get moon ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 20:32 good deal, I'm on site, setup. just did 1st couple tests, looking good at 900w, no wind ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 20:26 Look good James !!! ====== {W5ZN Joel AR EM45dh }
12Dec 20:23 test ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
12Dec 19:58 a new day, a new attempt ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
12Dec 19:58 . ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
11Dec 20:40 I guess I didnt miss anything yet ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
11Dec 12:14 test ====== {N9HF/222 Dave FL EL99jf }
11Dec 03:53 can be here or on EME-1....this page is not normally heavily used ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
11Dec 01:02 Is this the right group to be on for a VK ? ====== {VK2GGC Pete xx QF57vl }
04Dec 22:54 432.030 cq  ====== {KE0HQO Jeremy CO DM69el }
02Dec 14:27 ,, ====== {K8DIO/2X17H/KW Lloyd OH EN91gh }
29Nov 16:20 if interested please email me ====== {VE3MIS Peter on FN03eq }
29Nov 16:17 working on assembly of the second 16el  ====== {VE3MIS Peter on FN03eq }
29Nov 16:17 I am interested to try EME on 222 on moonrise or moonset here from teh VE3MIS club station in FN03eq. at the moment only 1x16el ~Plus~ 900w ====== {VE3MIS Peter on FN03eq }
29Nov 16:16 gm ALL. ANYONE PAYING ATTENTION? ====== {VE3MIS Peter on FN03eq }
21Nov 01:48 CQ CQ 432.070 JT65B  ====== {KR0B Randy MN EN36vt }
20Nov 17:15 ######## CQ 432.092 2nd jt65 ######## ====== {IK3VZO Giovanni xx JN55xa }
20Nov 00:57 Hello Ray, I am on 222.076 & warming up the shack ====== {K1WHS Dave ME FN43mj }
18Nov 03:55 Marshall,  I am here for a few ====== {WA4NJP Ray GA EM84dg }
18Nov 02:57 Rick....are you still here?? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 02:25 RR....It is all my fault...I need to get this ant pointed right...good that we found this now...very sorry ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 02:21 73 James ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
18Nov 02:19 sri Marshall, I need to get inside, wife gave me the glare.. we ran for an hour ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 02:18 nothing seen tonight, I'll leave the setup as it sits and we can try again ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 02:18 I was a mile off the other way....back outside ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 02:11 Just running 450w here ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
18Nov 02:10 rr Rick, TU ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 02:08 James I'm tx few seq here ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
18Nov 02:03 ok, I need to turn. off gen,I'll cont to listen until 0215 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 02:01 I am still way off...correcting again ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 02:01 I've got one or two more tx cycles in me before the neighborhood starts calling the cops! ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:56 I will start TX again....going outside again.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:55 I should be close more trip to the woods... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:55 rr ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:55 everything is holding tight, running 800w ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:52 I am about 15 deg off now....correcting ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:49 222.065 KQA 1st ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:49 I understand. I'm going to fire off some cq's  now that I'm on gen power ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:48 It is a very tiring trip with my rollator way to the back of the lot ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:48 Unless I can get anteno on moon, it is a waste of RF...I will go out and check it once more. ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:45 Ant is about 60deg off moon....I will try to correct it ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:41 I'll fire up for a few, will take me min or so to switch over to gen power, brb ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:39 I will continue to TX on V ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:39 It will take a long time for me to walk out and check the antenna....leaving now ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:38 rr ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:38 OK, going back to V-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:37 GE Marshall, no just tropo ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
18Nov 01:35 Rick...can you see me off the moon? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:34 Hi Rick....good to see you on ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:34 Back to H-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:33 GE RIck, let me know if you hear Marshall ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:31 Going back to V-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:30 OK, that is understandable ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:30 not tx'ing, don'twanttoturn on gen unless I see ya ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:29 James are you TX??  I don't see anything yet ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:28 GE watching here ====== {W5EME/4X14LFA/H Rick LA EM32ai }
18Nov 01:27 rr, I'm H ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:27 rr ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:26 I have been on V-pol....switching to H-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:23 I have some horrendous noise right now.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
18Nov 01:22 ok, looking ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:22 GE 222.065 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
18Nov 01:22 on EME-2 now..... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
21Sep 16:43 AP2AUM Asad HI EME 144 link EME-1 ====== {RX1AS/4X15XP/1 Serge xx KO59xw }
21Sep 14:53 ap2aum on 144.140 for next 10 mins  ====== {AP2AUM Asad xx MM64lc }
21Sep 14:40 ap2aum and ap2ajm on 144.120 USB ====== {AP2AUM Asad xx MM64lc }
21Sep 10:27 Hi all.... ap2aum ====== {AP2AUM Asad xx MM64lc }
19Sep 18:41 Hi all ====== {TK5JJ Jeanj xx JN42rh }
12Sep 23:35 t ====== {N8SDR Rick OH EM79rj }
12Sep 21:32 144.142....CQ CQ CQ de K5QE second....ARRL VHF contest ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:18 i can neither confirm nor deny any qso info ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:17 ck ur log ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:17 Do you want to work us on 2M? ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:16 OK...I just really hate this is WAY too hard to adjust.... ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:16 RX db??  I think you mean the green is 60 ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:15 no traces let's bag it ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:14 you need more training ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:13 default waterfall currtent ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:12 wht's RX db on left? ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:11 Yes...the waterfall is so dark I can't see any signal ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:10 decode after eme delay? ck-ed? ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:10 deep decode and enable avrg ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:07 set ur ftol to 1000 ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:06 V+H=no qso ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 21:06 So far, I don't see anything from you....still adjusting... ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:05 It is VERY hard to get this waterfall adjusted right..... ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 21:04 gunna be a no go farraday ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:56 ok ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:55 OK, I am calling second now Q65-60B... ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:53 sub mode B ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:53 auto seq only and call 1st ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:52 no unck sh ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:52 call u 432.080 Q65-60B ULS 1st now ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:51 OK do we use SH on Q65?? ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:49 I am here right now...are you ready to start on 432?? ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:49 432.080 Q65-60B ULS 1st ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:48 which chat u on? ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:47 Brian....are you wanting 222 EME or something else? ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:45 Mike....432.080 me second JT65...OK?? ====== {K5QE/432/16X28H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:41 Mike...OK, I will start that station ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:38 432 ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
12Sep 20:36 you want 222 EME?  I can start it running if you wish... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:35 Hi MIke....I finally got into HB9Q....what band do you want?? ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj }
12Sep 20:31 hello? ====== {K7ULS/2X18H/300 Mike UT DN41bh }
11Sep 19:27 K5QE - 222? ====== {W4NH/222 Brian GA EM84ao }
10Sep 14:42 anyone on 432 ? I would like to test RX antennas... ====== {F5RRS/4X16H/RX Damien xx JN36eb }
10Sep 00:50 anyone want to try 432 ====== {KF9L/1X13/100 Dean IL EM58lq }
09Sep 19:44 I'll call you ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:44 I ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:44 yes ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:44 no ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:44 Do you have Enable Deep Search and Enable AP checked as ON ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:42 Do you see a trace from me now?? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:42 OK, That is too bad....we will talk on the phone in a bit... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:42 two trace no decodes. ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:40 amp died... keep going ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:39 Back to H-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:35 I am seeing a tiny echo at 1270 + 160 (my dopler) each time I TX ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:33 Going back to V-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:32 310] ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:31 What is your doppler to me? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:30  getting trace around 1700, maybe chasing ghosts ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:29 I think what you are asking is 1270cy...DF should be the dif between my TX and some RX... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:28 No, what is your DF?  ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:27 Conditions may just be bad... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:26 I worked K1OR who had a single yagi and 400W easily ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:25 OK...that is not you see anything from me? ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:23 Not looking so hot here.. cont at 400w ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:23 The stupid software turned off Enable TX, so I did not TX that last minute...sorry...TX now on H ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:19 Back to H-pol ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:16 rr ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:15 TX V-pol this time.... ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:11 RR...1300W on H-pol right far no trace from you ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
09Sep 19:09 RRR, Here, .085 ====== {K7KQA James WA DN06ll }
09Sep 19:04 James-K7KQA...are you here??  222.085 me second ====== {K5QE/222/320EL Marshall TX EM31cj }
08Sep 20:40 James-K7KQA are you here?? ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj }
29Aug 12:56 ===== CQ =====   118 ==== JT65B === ====== {WA4MYO/4X9X350 Sonny SC EM94kx}
23Aug 01:43 anyone active tonight? ====== {W5CJA Ken MS EM51hd}
23Aug 01:11 test DE W5CJA ====== {W5CJA Ken MS EM51hd}
21Aug 02:32 Your signal is coming up now.... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:32 I got one of these....0230 -30  2.6 1781 #* K5QE NO9E RRR   ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:32 I got two of these....0134 -30  2.6 1740 #* K5QE NO9E EM83    ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:31 I see a faint a decode....pse call me again after the next seq ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:25 See a trace ====== {NO9E  GA EM83ll}
21Aug 02:23 Done ====== {NO9E  GA EM83ll}
21Aug 02:21 Pse move up are getting very close to a birdie that I have...thanks ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:19 I think I see a very faint trace getting better.... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:14 Got OOO ====== {NO9E  GA EM83ll}
21Aug 02:05 Perhaps just 10 minutes. Not sure why I am missing your signal ====== {NO9E  GA EM83ll}
21Aug 02:04 If you want to stop, pse call me 409-787-3831.... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:03 Well, let's keep going if you can point the antenna..... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:03 Now can see the moon. Tnx for sked ====== {NO9E  GA EM83ll}
21Aug 02:01 next time... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:01 You should have gotten the RRR from would be nice to make a clean contact straight through, but it looks like the rain is killing that....still, it is clear that we can make a contact again  ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 02:00 We have enough from the first run to claim a was a scratchy contact, but I got your grid and an R.... ====== {K5QE/2M/8X18H Marshall TX EM31cj}
21Aug 01:58 Now TX ====== {NO9E  GA EM83ll}