splat-65 (JT65, Q65, msk144, etc) Terrestrial Link.

PingJockey Central JT65 EME - 1 JT65 EME - 2 CW EME Who's Earwigging?
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20Dec 14:20 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 14:19 WB7CJO - Good morning, Reid!  141500 -25  0.2 2296 :  WB8ZBT WB7CJO RRR  q4  Another fine QSO.  Thank you!  Have a wonderful day & 73! ====== {WB8ZBT Bob TN EM55dl }
20Dec 14:06 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 13:13 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 13:01 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 12:39 OK, Larry, I'm stopped from CQing for now and will be back in a little bit thanks ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 12:35 ok i watch for a bit ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOL Larry MO EM48rk }
20Dec 12:33 K0TPP, Larry still seeing pieces of your signal no decode yet ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 12:30 GM Larry, see you and see if it builds us 122900 ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
20Dec 12:27 KF2ZQ Scott, calling you ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOL Larry MO EM48rk }
20Dec 12:21 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
19Dec 16:01 CQ 50.275 Q65-30A 1000 Hz, West, Tx odd/2nd ====== {KE8Y Mike OH EN91ge }
19Dec 15:41 CQ 50.275 Q65-30A 1000 Hz, South, Tx odd/2nd ====== {KE8Y Mike OH EN91ge }
19Dec 15:08 CQ 50.275 Q65-30A 1000 Hz, East, Tx even/1st ====== {KE8Y Mike OH EN91ge }
19Dec 13:28 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
19Dec 13:16 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
18Dec 14:27 andy strong ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOLS Larry mo EM48ll }
18Dec 12:54 KF2ZQ Scott, are you still cqing ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOLS Larry mo EM48ll }
18Dec 12:43 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
18Dec 12:32 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
16Dec 14:19 cq stopped ====== {KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh }
16Dec 14:13 cq q65, 6m, SW, 1khz ====== {KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh }
16Dec 14:04 cq q65, 6m, NW, 1khz ====== {KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh }
16Dec 13:42 cq q65, 6m, West, 1khz ====== {KA2UQW Andy NJ FN20xh }
15Dec 14:42 ~ CQ 1st ~  50.275 ~   q65a ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOLS Larry mo EM48ll }
15Dec 14:41 ~ Running ~  50.275 ~ q65a 1st w/VE3OAT ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOLS Larry mo EM48ll }
15Dec 14:08 CQ stopped but in/out monitoring ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 13:59 K0TPP, Larry, glad to see I'm making it out your way. ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 13:58 The airplane flying over my QTH probsbly helped hi hi ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 13:57 135600 nice beginning but stopped strong ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 13:56 ok i stop  ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOL Larry MO EM48rk }
15Dec 13:55 K0TPP GM Larry, see you weak, not enough for decode 135400 ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 13:49 Q65A 134030 -20 dB 0.4 s Freq 1320 Hz ~GT~ CQ KF2ZQ FN30 ====== {K0TPP/4X20XPOLS Larry mo EM48ll }
15Dec 13:32 1331 -20 0.1 1381 : KF2ZQ KB1MGI 73 q3 ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 13:23 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 12:50 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
15Dec 12:38 CQ  6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
14Dec 14:59 WB7CJO - Good morning, Reid!  145600 -27  0.0 2294 :  WB8ZBT WB7CJO RRR  q4  Thank you for the outstanding QSO, sir!  Take care & 73! ====== {WB8ZBT Bob TN EM55dl }
14Dec 13:35 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
14Dec 13:11 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
14Dec 12:21 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
14Dec 12:11 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
14Dec 09:53 Who's up at this time? ====== {K3FR/6M/2M/70CM Ron VA FM18fs }
13Dec 16:48 Anyone around to a try at q65? ====== {N0FJP Marv MN EN34ll }
13Dec 14:06 WB7CJO - Good morning, Reid!  140400 -25  0.1 2297 :  WB8ZBT WB7CJO RRR  q3  Thank you for the outstanding QSO, sir!  Take care & 73! ====== {WB8ZBT Bob TN EM55dl }
13Dec 14:06 WB8ZBT Bob -  140430 -19  0.2 2308 :  WB7CJO WB8ZBT 73   q3  Thank you very much, Sir! ====== {WB7CJO Reid WY DN71eh }
13Dec 13:38 133600 -29 0.0 2050 : NM3G N0AN RXX q0 ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
13Dec 13:25 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
13Dec 13:14 CQ 6M Q65-30A df 1375 2nd ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }
13Dec 12:50 CQ stopped ====== {KF2ZQ Scott NY FN30hu }

This service is to be used only for the purposes of discussing matters related to amateur radio TERRESTRIAL splat-65 (JT65, Q65, msk144, etc) communications.

Any non-terrestrial splat-65 (JT65, Q65, msk144, etc) use is strictly prohibited.

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