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17Sep 07:46 KE8JCD FB! ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:43 Me too, running his eme2 preamp and 9 ele antennas ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:40 KE8JCD Yes.. 1/2wl .. I also run his EME144 LNA.  ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:39 Last question, Is that a amplifiers-antennas power devider on your ant. ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:37 KE8JCD I recall a FedEx building being hit. Couldn't remember where. Wow.. Crazy WX. See you tomorrow.. GL! ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:37 73's  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:36 Hit fed ex building 1000 ft from us. Major damage to their building.  ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:36 KE8JCD Oh! That was a close call. ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:35 I work at Pfizer in Portage mi, we almost got hit by that tornado this summer. ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:35 KE8JCD ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:35 KE8JCD Yes.. -27 to -21 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:34 Stop CQ .130 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:34 Are you getting my return calls? ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:34 KE8JCD Yes.. I was afraid you might fall asleep. OK tomorrow ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:33 Rob faded out, lets try tom. Need to get some sleep.  73's  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:27 KE8JCD -- screenshot of waterfall only ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:24 0723 -xxx  2.3 1555 :  NH6V KE8JCD EN72     q0 -- caling you now ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:23 Rob -25, -26  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:23 KE8JCD Go for it!  ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:23 KE8JCD I may do some antenna work tomorrow.. I will be on moon shortly after my MR ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 07:22 Oh crap got your cq  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:22 Have a GN  73's  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 07:21 Rob looks like moon will be at 45 deg ele, 180 deg az tom. Ill turn radio on when i get home from work. ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:58       . CQ CQ .130 1st Q65-60A 1270Hz 230W ----- Q65-60A 1st .130 ----- NH6V ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:57 KE8JCD ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:56 KE8JCD Yes.. Those would be my pings ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:55 KE8JCD Very quiet QTH here.. Yet stuck at QRP with 12V batteries and solar ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:54 Rob I'm seeing your pings i think at 1579  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:53 KE8JCD -21.2 echos.. same as last night ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:51 KE8JCD Thanks again. I will run echo tests now. ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:49 Rob watched here nothing  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:48 Stop CQ .130 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:26       . CQ CQ .130 1st Q65-60A 1270Hz 230W ----- Q65-60A 1st .130 ----- NH6V ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:23 KE8JCD OK CUL 73 & aloha ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:22 Rob I'll be on tom as well after work here.  73's barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:22 KE8JCD ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:20 KE8JCD Okay, Barry. It looks like Faraday rotation period is about 15 minutes. Yes.. We will get it. Keep checking. I am on most days. ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:20 Rob we will try agian, like to get Hi.  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:19 Rob lost you . CQ stopped cool down for a few.  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:19 KE8JCD You are averaging -21 past 4 seqs ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:17 KE8JCD 230W at feedpoint here.. Q65 is the best mode for this. We have a clode Moon now. Dgrd -1.0 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:14 1000 watts ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:14 Rob  100 watts , light trace on you no decode yet  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:12 KE8JCD You are just about audible in the headphones now ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:10 Yes got you now.  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:10 KE8JCD Decoding you again ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:09 KE8JCD better sig now ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:02 KE8JCD You are barely in there.. I am sure we can make it on this rotation ====== {NH6V/4X13H/240 Rob HI BL20bb }
17Sep 06:02 Rob I see the Preferred band but not checked  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }
17Sep 06:01 Oops contest mode from last weekend, tnx  Barry ====== {KE8JCD/4X9H/1KW Barry MI EN72fh }

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