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27Jul 07:23 IK2DDR Yes time flies :). Here 4x19H, 500w and IC-9700.  ====== {SM0NKZ/4X17 Cj xx JO99iq }
27Jul 07:22 AG6EE Hi Petr, tnx qso and new square. B -21 ====== {SK5AA/4X15H/KW Club xx JO89jt }
27Jul 07:21 SM0NKZ Johan tnx for qso. Our 1st time was an ufb cw qso on 2001, 23 years ago. Look the posted screenshoot. Your actual setup... ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:21 IK2DDR Francesco, Tnx for QSO B -12. Best 73! ====== {SM0NKZ/4X17 Cj xx JO99iq }
27Jul 07:20 ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:18 AG6EE Petr hello , calling you ====== {R3PA/4X14HV/K Victor xx KO93jv }
27Jul 07:18 I2FAK ciao  Franco, buona giornata  ====== {I3MEK/4X13HV/K Mario xx JN55sj }
27Jul 07:17 AG6EE Petr, sorry, i lost you, tnx for try later, GL ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
27Jul 07:14 DL8DAQ Gerald tnx for initial ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:14 AG6EE Petr Hi tnx qso GL 73! ///0711 -16  2.7 1265 ## RX3I AG6EE DM19 OOO ====== {RX3I/4X11H500 Sergey xx KO77lu }
27Jul 07:14 DL8DAQ Gerald tnx for our 1st eme qso. Look the screenshot: ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:14 IK2DDR Francesco GM thank you for the QSO ur best -21 GL 73 ====== {DL8DAQ/4X10H400 Gerald xx JO31uh }
27Jul 07:10 AG6EE Petr, tnx for try, -25 here, calling you ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
27Jul 07:10 AG6EE Tnx qso Petr and new locator B -19 ====== {SM5DIC/4X15H/KW Gus xx JO89jt }
27Jul 07:09 ----- CQ CQ .131 1st JT65B -----changed pol  ====== {G1KAW Kevin xx IO91rh }
27Jul 07:08 0705 -16  2.6 1266 ## xxxxxx AG6EE DM19 OOO   ====== {RX3I/4X11H500 Sergey xx KO77lu }
27Jul 07:07 ----- CQ CQ .138 1st JT65B -----ANY CALL IS WELCOME ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:06 HA6NQ Sanyi ciao, how is Linrad running ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:05 IW0RNA Andrea ma figurati. Per cosi poco. Ci si aiuta con quello che si ha. Un abbraccione ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:05 see u fm there Petr, now gl, 73 ====== {HA6NQ Sanyi xx JN98wa }
27Jul 07:04 IK2DDR Francesco Grazie a te per il supporto ed i consigli .. buon week end 73 ====== {IW0RNA Andrea xx JN62iw }
27Jul 07:03 17 is about 2 hours south, 16, well :) ====== {AG6EE Petr NV DM19ah }
27Jul 07:03 AG6EE Petr  gm ,tnx fb qso ,gd  sigs fm u :90  0659  1.2   -8 # RRR    ,73 ciao  ====== {I3MEK/4X13HV/K Mario xx JN55sj }
27Jul 07:03 IW0RNA Andrea grazie per ottimo qso e ottimo segnale ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:03 IW0RNA Andrea ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:02 AG6EE, GM Petr, calling you, GL ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
27Jul 07:02 IW0RNA Andrea bravissimo. Ti mando screenshot ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 07:01 IK2DDR Francesco qualche cavo ed il pa.. adesso mi si ascolta un pC  meglio ====== {IW0RNA Andrea xx JN62iw }
27Jul 07:01 would be nice to work u fm 16,17,18... ====== {HA6NQ Sanyi xx JN98wa }
27Jul 07:00 IK2DDR Francesco mi fai i complimenti e sbaglio sequenza Hi !! ====== {IW0RNA Andrea xx JN62iw }
27Jul 06:59 about 25 miles south ====== {AG6EE Petr NV DM19ah }
27Jul 06:59 ----- CQ CQ .131 1st JT65B ----- ====== {G1KAW Kevin xx IO91rh }
27Jul 06:59 dm18 would be easy ====== {AG6EE Petr NV DM19ah }
27Jul 06:59 AG6EE hi Petr good to see u after long time, any plan to activate DM16-18? ====== {HA6NQ Sanyi xx JN98wa }
27Jul 06:58 0655 -22  2.7 1269 #* CQ AG6EE DM19  ====== {RX3I/4X11H500 Sergey xx KO77lu }
27Jul 06:58 IW0RNA Andrea hai cambiato qualcosa nel setup.......arrivi molto bene. Congratulazioni ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 06:56 ----- CQ CQ .138 1st JT65B -----ANY CALL IS WELCOME ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 06:56 EA5JK RICHI  mira la captura de pantalla ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 06:56 0655 -26  2.7 1383 #* CQ AG6EE DM19      a7 ====== {SM5DIC/4X15H/KW Gus xx JO89jt }
27Jul 06:55 RX3I  Sergey, priwet, tnx fb rprt  ====== {I3MEK/4X13HV/K Mario xx JN55sj }
27Jul 06:55 EA5JK RICHI  desculpame por extra seq. Llamada telefonica. Tnx for initial and qso. ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 06:55 Stop CQ 120 ====== {I3MEK/4X13HV/K Mario xx JN55sj }
27Jul 06:54 I am on V pol, H plane has some SWR issue ====== {AG6EE Petr NV DM19ah }
27Jul 06:53 144.121 fromDM19ah, Nevada ====== {AG6EE Petr NV DM19ah }
27Jul 06:53 0650 -17  2.5  905 #* CQ I3MEK JN55 ====== {RX3I/4X11H500 Sergey xx KO77lu }
27Jul 06:53 I3MEK Mario, no good conds for me ! ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
27Jul 06:52 GM Victor ,Achim and Andre' tnx rprts  ====== {I3MEK/4X13HV/K Mario xx JN55sj }
27Jul 06:52 IW0RNA Andrea ciao carissimo. Chiama pure se ti va. ====== {IK2DDR/4X19LLY Francesco xx JN55gn }
27Jul 06:51 IK2DDR TNX QSO  73 ====== {EA5JK/2X17/1K Richi xx IM99qi }
27Jul 06:50 064800  6  -21  1.8 -463  3 *      CQ I3MEK JN55  ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }

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