PingJockey Central | WSJT Terrestrial | WSJT EME - 2 | CW EME | Who's Earwigging? |
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DDMMM UTC 21Feb 22:23 Stop CQ .131 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 21Feb 21:52 . CQ CQ CQ .131 2nd Q65-60A 1270Hz 230W --- CQ Q65-60A 2nd .131 NH6V Hawaii ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 21Feb 14:24 .. ====== {TK5JJ/2X12/KW Jeanj xx JN42rh } 21Feb 09:12 STOP CQ .122, QRT, MS soon, 73 to all ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 09:06 My echoes -19 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 09:06 Last CQ.122 with GG Maxi now ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:54 Andre TNX & GL ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70au } 21Feb 08:53 IK8YSS, GM Costa, here elevation 5.6 deg. ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:48 F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre gm how elevetaion in your qth ? ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70au } 21Feb 08:46 STOP CQ .122 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:42 QRZ caller, -31 no decode, pse continue, GL ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:36 ====== CQ 144.122 first, JT65B ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:32 F4HBY, bonjour Laurent, 73 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:32 Hello to all ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 21Feb 08:04 own echo -25 now ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at } 21Feb 08:03 === stop cq .131 ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at } 21Feb 07:53 ============== CQ CQ .131 JT65B 1st ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at } 21Feb 07:51 ============== CQ CQ .131 JT65B 1st ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at } 21Feb 07:04 own echo -26 ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at } 21Feb 07:04 ============== CQ CQ .131 JT65B 1st ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at } 20Feb 21:34 Stop CQ .131 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 20Feb 21:14 . CQ CQ CQ .131 2nd Q65-60A 1270Hz 230W --- CQ Q65-60A 2nd .131 NH6V Hawaii ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 20Feb 08:10 STOP CQ .123 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 20Feb 08:00 ====== CQ 144.123 first, JT65B ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 20Feb 07:58 Hello to all ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 20Feb 05:28 Stop Cq .135 ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70au } 20Feb 05:07 ***** CQ.135 1st H/V ====== ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70au } 20Feb 05:03 GM ALL ***** CQ.130 1st H/V ====== {IK8YSS Costa xx JN70au } 20Feb 04:17 Stop CQ .116 ====== {LU7MC/4X10H/230 Carlos xx FF57ob } 20Feb 04:06 ----- CQ CQ .116 2nd JT65B ----- ====== {LU7MC/4X10H/230 Carlos xx FF57ob } 19Feb 21:08 Up to -13.6 at moonset -1.4deg OTH ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 19Feb 21:03 Strong, audible, up to -14.9 self echoes. No need be afraid of -5.3 degradation.. ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 19Feb 20:56 Stop CQ .116 ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 19Feb 20:51 . CQ CQ CQ .116 2nd Q65-60A 1270Hz 230W --- CQ Q65-60A 2nd .116 NH6V Hawaii ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 19Feb 20:48 ZS4TX Bernie.. Can we try now? ====== {NH6V/4X13H/230 Rob HI BL20bb } 19Feb 14:30 dx is kaput ====== {W6UC Phil CA DM05ig } 19Feb 11:44 GM ====== {NJ9R/2X9XPOL/KW Relu IL EN62bf } 19Feb 11:12 ~ Clear ~ 144.122 ~ CQ stopped ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/K Russ NJ FN20mb } 19Feb 11:05 ~ CQ 2nd ~ 144.122 ~ Q65_60A ====== {K2TXB/2X28XP/K Russ NJ FN20mb } 19Feb 08:10 QRT now, 73 to all ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 08:06 QRZ caller, -30 no decode, pse continue, GL ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 08:02 ====== CQ 144.122 first, JT65B, again few mins ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 07:58 Stop CQ .125, no any trace, have a nice day, 73 ====== {DJ6CA/1X/750 Joerg xx JN39xu } 19Feb 07:58 QRZ caller, -30 no decode, pse continue, GL ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 07:52 ====== CQ 144.122 first, JT65B, testing my GG MAXI NOW ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 07:50 ====== CQ 144.122 first, JT65B ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 07:47 F5AQX, bonjour Andre, merci pour rapport, GL 73 ====== {DJ6CA/1X/750 Joerg xx JN39xu } 19Feb 07:45 DJ6CA, bonjour Joerg, only tropo -9, EME weak trace -31 no decode , GL 73 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd } 19Feb 07:39 good morning ----- CQ CQ .125 1st JT65B ----- ====== {DJ6CA/1X/750 Joerg xx JN39xu } 19Feb 07:01 Stop CQ .133 ====== {OZ7UV Svend xx JO65dh }
Any non-EME WSJT use is strictly prohibited.