PingJockey Central WSJT Terrestrial WSJT EME - 2 CW EME Who's Earwigging?
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22Jan 12:29 Stop CQ .123 ====== {N4EMM/1X13H/500 Tag GA EM82fx }
22Jan 12:10 ----- CQ CQ .123 2nd JT65B ----- ====== {N4EMM/1X13H/500 Tag GA EM82fx }
22Jan 11:02 I guess that's a no then guys ====== {G4TRA Steve xx IO81wn }
22Jan 09:48 Does LiveCQ still exist? ====== {G4TRA Steve xx IO81wn }
22Jan 09:40 W6UC Phil  73 and GD ====== {S52LM/4X14HV/1K Milos xx JN65tx }
22Jan 09:34 W6UC Phil :-) ====== {S52LM/4X14HV/1K Milos xx JN65tx }
22Jan 09:34 S52LM Milos -3.4 c  here now   global warming hi hi ====== {W6UC Phil CA DM05ig }
22Jan 09:31 W6UC Phil , It's  7 degrees Celsius here now, the moon will set soon. ====== {S52LM/4X14HV/1K Milos xx JN65tx }
22Jan 09:28 S52LM Milos hi good morning  unusually cold here in calif ====== {W6UC Phil CA DM05ig }
22Jan 09:15 W6UC Phil GM ====== {S52LM/4X14HV/1K Milos xx JN65tx }
22Jan 09:11 the moon is risen in the west us of a ====== {W6UC Phil CA DM05ig }
22Jan 07:30 HI All ====== {S52LM/4X14HV/1K Milos xx JN65tx }
22Jan 06:38 RY4C Andry, tnx info, i hope qso soon, 73, GD ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
22Jan 06:32 F5AQX Andre THANK YOU I ACCEPTED YOU -31 AND LOST 73 ====== {RY4C Andri xx LO42gi }
22Jan 06:28 RY4C Andri, sorry, lost you now, try later, GL, 73 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
22Jan 06:21 qsb : 062000  0  -29  2.2  223 24 *      CQ RY4C LO42 ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
22Jan 06:17 RY4C, GM Andri, calling you, GL ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
22Jan 06:15 061400  1  -23  2.3  242  3 *      CQ RY4C LO42  ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
22Jan 06:15 Hello to all ====== {F5AQX/4X8H/500 Andre xx JN27sd }
22Jan 06:10 CQ CQ 122  .1 ====== {RY4C Andri xx LO42gi }
22Jan 05:58 Stop CQ  ====== {RW3QJA Dmitry xx KO90ph }
22Jan 05:50 CQCQCQ 142 1ST few min ====== {RW3QJA Dmitry xx KO90ph }
22Jan 05:49 hi all! ====== {RW3QJA Dmitry xx KO90ph }
22Jan 00:33 Ik4poi stop cq 144.120 ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
22Jan 00:26 See you soon Mark . Ermanno ik4poi  ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
22Jan 00:16 Nothing seen Q65a or Q65b now qrt ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
22Jan 00:11 Stop CQ .120 watching q65b ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
22Jan 00:04 Swapping to q65b ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
22Jan 00:03 Cqcq 144.120 Q65b 1st  ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
22Jan 00:02 Cqcq 144.120 2nd Ik4poi Q65B ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
21Jan 23:59 ----- CQ CQ .120 1st Q65 A----- ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
21Jan 23:57 Q65a for 2m ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
21Jan 23:57 IK4POI Hi Ermanno . will switch back on and look 4 u ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
21Jan 23:56 Cqcq 144.120 2nd Ik4poi Q65B ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
21Jan 23:55 Stop CQ .120 ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
21Jan 23:45 ----- CQ CQ .120 1st Q65 ----- testing ====== {ZL3JJ/4X13H/1K Mark xx RE66hq }
21Jan 23:42 Ik4poi q65b 432.065  ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
21Jan 23:42 Ik4poi q65b 432.065  ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
21Jan 23:41 Cqcq ik4poi 1st 432.065 ====== {IK4POI Ermanno xx JN54kp }
21Jan 14:15 test ====== {F6EGD/4X7H/600W Gilbert xx IN88hr }
21Jan 10:16 === stop  cq .131 ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at }
21Jan 09:50 ============== CQ CQ .131 JT65B 1st ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at }
21Jan 06:27 === stop  cq .131 ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at }
21Jan 06:12 ============== CQ CQ .131 JT65B 1st ====== {F4HBY/2X15/700W Laurent xx IN97at }
21Jan 05:37 stop cq .120 ====== {IK7UXY/4X10HV/K Gianni LE JN90ec }
21Jan 05:25 ||||||||||   CQ  144.120  1st  JT65B   ||||||||| ====== {IK7UXY/4X10HV/K Gianni LE JN90ec }
21Jan 05:24 GM all ====== {IK7UXY/4X10HV/K Gianni LE JN90ec }
21Jan 00:48 Stop CQ .123 ====== {UA9YJM/4X10H300 Sergey xx NO13vm }
21Jan 00:27 ----- CQ CQ .123 1st JT65B ----- ====== {UA9YJM/4X10H300 Sergey xx NO13vm }
21Jan 00:17 ALL HI! ====== {UA9YJM/4X10H300 Sergey xx NO13vm }

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